Realty News April 2018
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Three Tips to Stage Your Home
to Make a Sale

When it comes to selling your home, it's important to consider things from the buyer's perspective. Your home may feel cozy and perfect to you, but to someone else, it may look cluttered and outdated. Before allowing anyone into your home for an open house, consider working with a real estate agent to stage it appropriately. Staging is the process of highlighting the best things about your home while minimizing its less-than-positive... Read More
Increasing Inventory Would Boost Decreasing Home Sales

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), existing-home sales fell in January for the second month in a row. What's more, year-over-year sales saw their steepest decline in over three years. Sales declined both monthly and annually in every region across the country.

More Buyers but Fewer Homes
According to Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the NAR, buyer traffic increased... Read More
Major Things to Check for When House Hunting

House hunting can feel like an adventurous new chapter in your life, and if you're lucky enough to find the property that checks off all the must-have boxes—appearance, size, price, location—it's easy to fall in love.

Not so fast, though. Before making an offer on any property, it's smart to take a deeper look at the overall structure and systems to ensure warning signs for costly major problems are not hiding in plain sight... Read More
Five Strategies for Spring Cleaning Success

Spring is the perfect time to give your house a thorough cleaning, but the hardest part is knowing where to begin. For many people, the thought of spring cleaning is so overwhelming that they never get started. However, spring cleaning doesn't have to be a painful task. Here are some tips for a more effective and successful spring cleaning experience:

1. Focus On One Room. If the thought of cleaning the entire house is daunting, break up the project into smaller chunks to make it more manageable. Focus your efforts on a single room, and don't worry about the rest of the house. Then you can tackle another room... Read More
Smart Ways to Use Your
2018 Tax Refund

Many US taxpayers are preparing to receive large refund checks. In fact, the average refund amount for this year is expected to be $2,895.

If you have filed your tax forms with the IRS, you may be wondering about the best ways to maximize your tax refund. Here are some smart ways to use your 2018 tax refund:

Save Your Money
According to a recent report by CNBC, only 43 percent of American families have at least $1,000 set aside for emergency expenses. If you find it difficult to save for a rainy day, your tax refund can make starting a savings account easier.

Get Rid of Debt
Whether you owe money... Read More
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