Tips & Tricks Real Estate Report April 2013
(480) 570-1912
Spring Cleaning: 5 tips to Deal with Dust Mites
Photo: © Val Thoermer - Veer

You may think the air in your home is clean, but according to the EPA, indoor air in the home is one of the top five environmental hazards. Particulate matter found in the typical home's air includes dust, pollen, mold, animal dander, bacteria and viruses. But perhaps the most disturbing particle in your home is the ubiquitous dust mite.

Dust mites, their droppings and their cast skins can trigger asthma and allergy attacks, especially in children and the elderly, and may be responsible for countless cases of eczema. Controlling the dust mite population in your home is essential for relief from mite-induced ailments, as well as for your peace of mind.

Follow these five mite-busting tips to help reduce your home's dust mite population:

1. Vacuum regularly. Eliminating dust from your home is the best defense against dust mites and the symptoms they may cause. Dust contains food for the mites, as well as the cast-off skins and excrement of the bugs. When you vacuum, turn the fan setting on your thermostat to ON; your HVAC system will help filter dust from the air caused by the vacuum exhaust. Leave the fan on for 15 minutes after vacuuming.

2. Dust often. Use an electrostatic dusting cloth, which will remove dust rather than move it around. Dust all surfaces, including knickknacks and walls.

3. Wash your bedding weekly in water that's at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit to kill the mites and remove the allergens associated with them. If washing in hot water isn't possible, toss your bedding in the drier, set at high heat, for 20 minutes before washing it. Cover your pillows and mattresses with allergen-proof covers, which are made of tightly-woven fabrics that help prevent dust mites from colonizing on your bedding.

4. Maintain a humidity level in your home of 30 to 50 percent. Dust mites thrive in high humidity. A dehumidifier in your bedroom or in rooms with carpeting will help keep dust mite populations down.

5. De-clutter your home. Clutter gathers dust and therefore dust mites. Especially in your bedroom, remove stacks of books, excessive knickknacks and piles of clothing to eliminate potential dust mite habitats.

Elaine Beery  -  (480) 570-1912 Tips & Tricks Real Estate Report  -  April 2013 

Elaine Beery, UBG- United Brokers Group, 355 E Germann Rd #180 Gilbert, AZ 85297, AZ
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