'News You Can Use...' from Dennis August 2008
Add Curb Appeal to
Your Home

By Stephanie Tallman Smith
Photo: © Beisea / Dreamstime

First impressions mean much more than many homeowners think, and curb appeal is essential if you want to bring people into your home when trying to sell. There are a number of ways to add curb appeal to your home without spending a great deal of money, and these easy improvements are sure to draw potential buyers.

Refresh the Landscaping - Take the time to clear away weeds, leaves, and any debris, and refresh tired looking landscaping with new wood chips or decorative stone. Immaculate landscaping will make potential buyers want to see what your home has to offer.

Clear Away Clutter - If your yard is an unorganized mess, potential buyers will have the impression that the inside is just as cluttered.
Organize your yard by putting away items that aren't part of the landscape such as toys, garden tools, and ladders. Besides the fact that a cluttered yard is unattractive, if items that should be in storage are on display in the yard, those driving by might think your home lacks ample storage space.

Rejuvenate the Siding - It doesn't take long for wind and moisture to make vinyl siding dingy and dirty. If your home has vinyl siding, consider buying or renting a pressure washer to give your siding a much-needed shower. For less than $100.00, you can revitalize your siding and make it look like new. The difference will amaze you when the siding is once again clean and bright.

If the siding on your home is painted and is in need of a fresh coat or two, invest in a new paint job. Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a painting professional, a freshly painted home will greatly increase your chances of attracting potential buyers. No one wants to consider a home in need of maintenance unless the price clearly offsets the work required. Painting is well worth the time and money since you'll add curb appeal that will bring in potential buyers along with the highest possible offers.

Foliage and Flowers - Liven up otherwise drab landscaping with colorful flowers and lush green foliage. Select flowers that compliment the color of the siding and turn your landscape into a lovely, vibrant work of art. Consider placing pots of flowers and ivy or other attractive foliage on decks, porches, and other appropriate areas.
Dennis H. Mogil  -  (607) 227-6422 'News You Can Use...' from Dennis  -  August 2008 

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Dennis H. Mogil, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services (formerly RealtyUSA), The Mary Stoe Team 2333 N. Triphammer Road, Ithaca NY 14850
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