'News You Can Use...' from Dennis December 2007
Be "Green" in the New Year
By ARAcontent

With the trend focusing on being more eco-friendly, these tips will not only make a difference for the environment and add some green in your wallet, but also make you feel good about yourself for keeping your resolution throughout the New Year.

Light Years Ahead - Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) not only last ten times longer than incandescents, but also use 75 percent less energy. Their cost of approximately $7 each may seem steep at first, but you will save up to $60 in electricity per light over their lifetime.

Control the Flow - According to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) WaterSense program, Americans consume an average of 100 gallons of water each day. This would fill 1,600 drinking glasses! By installing a water saving aerator in your bath faucet, such as Moen's Water Saving Aerator, you can reduce water flow from the standard 2.2 gallons per minute (gpm) to 1.5 gpm—reducing overall consumption by 30 percent.

Take It Down a Degree - According to the Alliance to Save Energy (www.ase.org), you can subtract 5 percent from your utility bill for every degree you lower your home's temperature.

Here Comes the Sun - During cooler months, keep your blinds or drapes open throughout the day to let in natural solar heat. This simple trick can reduce your heating bills by 10 percent.
Blocking out sunlight with exterior blinds or shutters during the summer can also cut your utilities by up to 33 percent.

Indulge in a Shower - By switching from a bath to a shower, you not only save time, but also money. A typical ten-minute bath requires 30 to 70 gallons of water versus 25 gallons under a 2.5 gpm showerhead.

To conserve even more resources, install Moen's new Water Saving Showerhead. With a flow of 1.75 gpm (industry-standard is 2.5 gpm), it uses 30 percent less water and helps reduce energy costs, as less hot water is used without sacrificing the shower's performance.

Feel the Heat - Have your furnace checked yearly to make sure it's running properly and efficiently; and tuned every two years. Not only will you save 10 percent on your heating bills, but you'll also save approximately 2,500 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Dish Duty - Although bottled water and disposable plates and cups may be enticing for easy use and clean up, they aren't so earth-friendly—heading straight from your trash into landfills. In fact, one billion plastic water bottles end up in landfills every year. Instead, enjoy your food and beverages on washable serving wear. Running a full load in an Energy Star-rated dishwasher only uses 4 gallons of water.

Follow these tips and you'll be on the right track for a "green" New Year! For more information on the new Water Saving Showerheads and Aerators, visit moen.com or call (800) BUY-MOEN (800-289-6636).
Dennis H. Mogil  -  (607) 227-6422 'News You Can Use...' from Dennis  -  December 2007 

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Dennis H. Mogil, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services (formerly RealtyUSA), The Mary Stoe Team 2333 N. Triphammer Road, Ithaca NY 14850
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